Ensure access and quality education for all students. Nurture academic excellence and life-long learning. Develop scientific and rational thinking among the students.
"To nurture our students as useful citizens and future leaders by inculcating in them culture of excellence, innovation, creativity, high moral values, passion for lifelong learning, and a global perspective.".
We believe learning and evolving is essential to creating change. Not only for the children, teachers and parents, but for our staff, our Board of Directors and our world-changing supporters!
Libraries play an essential role in local communities by providing access to information and resources, supporting literacy and education, promoting lifelong learning, and serving as a community gathering space.
To design the to provide students and staff with a vast array of I.T resources needed to promote learning.To enhance the Classroom teaching with Internet based real time online re-searchable study environment.
To give students an exposure to the practical aspects of learning science and developing scientific skills in them,integrated science typically include concepts from biology, chemistry, physics,Math Labs
Sporting Activities means performing or participating in the Sport in any capacity which includes, but is not limited to, participation in training, competitions, coaching or as an official.
Robotics labs provide an ideal environment for students to apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics . students can directly observe how these concepts come to sucess life
Mid Day Meal Scheme under which every child in our school was to be served a prepa"#06BBCC" Mid Day Meal with a minimum content of 300 calories of energy and 8-12 gram protein per day for a minimum of 200 days.
At the PM Shri Govt. Sen. Sec. School,Kharian, we help the children to tap their hidden potential by exposing them to diverse opportunities and a large number of activities. The state board based, liberal education also helps them to rise above parochial mindsets and acquire a truly international outlook. In addition to this, children are trained to learn more by doing things themselves and trying out new ideas, taking failure and success in their stride, with all their energies focused on honest and purposeful effort.
We give special attention to your intellectual development. We have special classes just to make you smarter
Culture is the main aspect of any society that teaches to live with a mutual corporation with each other. Culture is the social behavior of any society
Regular physical activity in the form of sports can help students to stay healthy and avoid unwanted illness.
Competition exists in many, many aspects of life, from sports, school, jobs, and even friends.