
Our Infrastructure

PM SHRI GSSS,Baragudha is one of the bests chools in Haryana.. The school campus is categorized as senior wing for grades VI to XII and junior wing accommodates classes from I to V. There are sufficient number of toilets for students with a facility of Sanitary Napkin Dispenser and incinerator and changing rooms for girl students. Under Bala Project, the walls of the premises are painted with structures related to syllabus. There are ICT Room,Computer lab, Language Lab,Smart Classroom and a school library. The school provides a resource room for CWSN students to impart education in the least restrictive environment.

There is an arrangement of proper drinking water systems with R.O. in Junior Wing, Senior Wing and in mid-day meal area.There are two Rain Water Harvesting systems which accumulates the rain water and that has been soaked by the earth again by percolation pits to maintain the water level of the ground.In the school. Trees are planted in school campus time to time. Compost Pit is maintained by students.

Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Computer Lab

Biology Lab

English Language Lab

ICT Room

School Library

Cultural Activity Room


Herbal Garden

School Building as Learning Aid

At the PM Shri Govt. Sen. Sec. School,Odhan, we help the children to tap their hidden potential by exposing them to diverse opportunities and a large number of activities. The state board based, liberal education also helps them to rise above parochial mindsets and acquire a truly international outlook. In addition to this, children are trained to learn more by doing things themselves and trying out new ideas, taking failure and success in their stride, with all their energies focused on honest and purposeful effort.

Intellectual Development

We give special attention to your intellectual development. We have special classes just to make you smarter

Cultural Development

Culture is the main aspect of any society that teaches to live with a mutual corporation with each other. Culture is the social behavior of any society

Sports Activities

Regular physical activity in the form of sports can help students to stay healthy and avoid unwanted illness.

Competitive Environment

Competition exists in many, many aspects of life, from sports, school, jobs, and even friends.