
About Us

Principal's Message

MR VIKRAM JEET (Principal)
"Arise, Awake and Do not stop,till the goal is achieved." ---- Swami Vivekananda
We at school have built an inclusive atmosphere that values diverse experiences and is intended to empower and educate students. Our long-term objective is to help raise a generation of thinkers who are proficient in understanding the coursework and experiences, not just armed with information, but also with the capacity to execute and use that information in ways that foster compassion and curiosity.At our school, along with programmes as well as dedicated facilities and labs, assure our students mental, emotional and physical growth. the school encourages students to participate in a variety of curricular / co - curricular courses and activities and develop their interests in their respective areas.

At the PM Shri Govt. Sen. Sec. School,Odhan, we help the children to tap their hidden potential by exposing them to diverse opportunities and a large number of activities. The state board based, liberal education also helps them to rise above parochial mindsets and acquire a truly international outlook. In addition to this, children are trained to learn more by doing things themselves and trying out new ideas, taking failure and success in their stride, with all their energies focused on honest and purposeful effort.

Intellectual Development

We give special attention to your intellectual development. We have special classes just to make you smarter

Cultural Development

Culture is the main aspect of any society that teaches to live with a mutual corporation with each other. Culture is the social behavior of any society

Sports Activities

Regular physical activity in the form of sports can help students to stay healthy and avoid unwanted illness.

Competitive Environment

Competition exists in many, many aspects of life, from sports, school, jobs, and even friends.